
Letter from the Editor 3.17

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

By Kimberly Bryant, editor MK DSF March 16, 2017

GOOD MORNINGGGGGGG and Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!!!

If you can't tell I'm super excited to be sending you this weeks newsletter.  So many great things are happening in our area.  This is the final day for voting before Tuesday if you live in South Fulton.  I had an opportunity to attend a community forum on Thursday evening.  I urge you all to look up the people running for office.  Almost 70 people are running for office, only 8 will get in.  Do your do diligence and VOTE!

Also, our Tween and Teen Guide will be up and going strong!  I've got some fantastic things coming down the pipeline for our tween/teen scene including summer jobs, summer volunteer opportunities and i'll bring some information in the coming weeks on how to dual enroll your high-schoolers in local college courses!

Our camp guide will officially launch next weekend!  EVERY article in the newsletter will be about camps.  Some of them even offer some great Macaroni Kid Discounts (or scholarships).  To get a jump on the camp selections take a look at the Guides tab  on the website.  If you are a camp that wants to get into the guide before we launch it click HERE for the registration form.  If you have any questions shoot me an email to

The event calendar has lots of fun Spring activities and our Easter Egg Hunt guide is filling up so if your church has an egg hunt let me know about it so I can add it!

My daughter and I went to see a VIP screening of Disney's Beauty and the Beast!  Click here to see my review.

Make sure you connect with me on Facebook.  I'll be giving away a family four pack to Medieval Times next week!

Whelp until next week have a fabulous weekend!

~Kimberly B