
Letter from the Editor- Mother's Day Edition

Finding your family fun

By Kimberly Bryant-MK DSF May 10, 2017

Good morning and Happy Friday,

It's the ONE weekend per year that mother's are recognized as the Queens that we are and ladies I say spend it your way! 

As I reflect over the hand made cards and crafts my children used to bring home when they were in school I realize as a homeschool mom I don't receive those things anymore.  So if you are mom that still does, cherish these moments.  Love on your babies and please love on yourself!

I'm super excited to announce the team is growing.  I'm meeting with several moms in the community about how we can better serve our Macaroni Kid audience this weekend.  I'm super excited because the more moms that partner with me and advocate for this site to grow and to really be the Go-To place for all things Kids and Family the happier I will be.  

If you are interested in lending a helping hand shoot me an email and I'll give you more information, especially if you are free tomorrow at 4pm!

Have a super fantastic weekend and be sure to follow us on social media!

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