
MacKid DSF Launches its first ever Moms Panel

Want to join a dynamic group of women?

By Kimberly Bryant June 1, 2017

The Macaroni Kid moms panel are a group of moms from various walks of life with children of different ages that come together monthly to discuss the direction of Macaroni Kid Douglasville-South Fulton or Macaroni Kid College Park-East Point-Morrow.


We discuss new ideas and brainstorm ways to engage our audience.

In order to be a part of this moms panel, we ask that you are a subscriber to either DSF or CEM.  You have an invested stake in the community (meaning you live in the areas we cover).  You commit to working a minimum of one event or contributing one article per month.

We have an online facebook group called Moms of South Atlanta and I encourage you to join in!

Please note this position is completely voluntary.  If interested please fill out this form and you will receive an invitation to the next Moms Panel Meeting.