
Easy Lunch Hacks

Tips from Children's Health Care of Atlanta

By Strong4Life July 27, 2017

August 7th is right around the corner.  Even as a homeschool mom I'm anxiously awaiting a new routine to hit my house on the same day.

Our friends over at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Strong for Life Resource have been instrumental in helping my children eat healthier this year.  Our family fitness journey is up on my personal Instagram page

Parents have so much to juggle each school year that carving out time every morning to pack and prepare healthy and delicious lunches for their children can seem overwhelming.

Many parents find themselves reaching for prepackaged and processed convenience foods that are chock full of additives, unhealthy fats, salts, and sugars. In fact, the typical prepackaged lunch contains as much sugar as 40 jelly beans and as much fat as a serving of ice cream.

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Strong4Life wellness movement wants to make mom and dad’s job easier this year. features tips, tricks, and recipes to pack healthy (and quick) lunches for the kids. 

From lunchbox shortcuts to quick and easy sack lunches, Strong4Life is ready to help parents set healthy habits for their school-aged kids.

Be sure to check our Strong4Life Series in the future.  At Macaroni Kid we are always thinking about keeping our kids health first!